wtorek, 5 listopada 2013


H e l l o !
My mom came back from Germany! Yeah, she also visited Paris during that staying. So she bought me some stuff :D

I don't even know the Polish name of this...

In fact a German one, but still Vogue :>

Imagine me seeing all these fantastic things! Can't wait to use them!!!

...and obviously some sweets <3

Nice gift, don't you think so?

poniedziałek, 14 października 2013

What a weekend!

Hello everybody!
This weekend has been so great!On Friday I was it the club and had a really good time with Estera and Ania! Finally I could forget about everything and just dance. Saturday was also nice, I spent the evening and the night with Kaja and Angelika. Yesterday I was with Viki and she tried on me a Michelle Phan's make-up! Wanna see?

By the way, my friend Viki is such a talented person! 
I'm always shocked when I see what she can do with her cosmetics, brushes and all that stuff...

Ok, so now it's time for baking news!
What's new in my kitchen?
To be honest, I found some old pics of my desserts and cakes, so not all of them are going to be the latest ones. Anyway I'm gonna show you them, because they all were fantastic :D

I felt the smell of chocolate when I was uploading this photo, lol! It's a cheesecake on oreo pastry with chocolate mousse

And that's a french-pastry peachcake with milk-pudding cream

Here we have my fav - Pavlova <3 <3 <3

Pavlova's must have: strawberries (those were unfortunately frozen)

And my Saturday's breakfast: croissant and homemade hot chocolate (dark chocolate + milk) with whipping cream

niedziela, 1 września 2013

End of holiday

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

What's now? School?! Everyday with studying and being nervous because of exams???
Am I ready? Not at all...
But I'm much happier when I'm thinking about seeing my friends : >

A few days ago we had a pyjamas party. Even Kaja wore pink clothes hahah!


See my kitty Franek on my bed? S o   c u t e

don't ask about it ;d >> 3 AM  <<

What's new in my kitchen?
I made some really interesting specials :D
One of them were croissants
YUMMY x 10000000
Take a look:

croissant with chocolate & oat cookie <3

Ok, that's it for now.
Next time I'll show you photos from my birthday party (it was even better than good :D)
Ciao !

piątek, 23 sierpnia 2013

M a z u r y

I had an expedition to the Masuria Lakes. It was very relaxing but also boring. You know, I was only with my family. Never ever again  :P Every day was so slow. I'm not that kind of person who likes waking up late and doing nothing in practice during the whole day. I mean I need a break sometimes (like Saturday after hard week in school) but come on, 2 weeks of laziness is too much for me.

However, it was great to spend time reading books and sunbathing : )

I have some photos to share




środa, 21 sierpnia 2013

Raspberries x2

Raspberries became one of my favourite fruits. I decided to use them in two different ways, so that you can choose something for you ;)
oat cookies with raspberries

mini crossaints with chocolate and raspberries
They weren't my latest food experiments, but I had these photos in my folder so I decided to share it with you : ) If you like raspberries as much as me you should take an opportunity to buy them as fast as you can, because there'll be no fresh berries at markets soon.

Last weekend I was with Viki and we ate waffles with (of course) raspberries.
wanna more waffles???

niedziela, 21 lipca 2013



:D :D :D
I'm so happy
I'll still work
in August
after my journey
:D :D :D
I'm stupid
and crazy
and whatever
but I really like that place

Wanna photos ?
yep, food, what a suprise!

Some of my achievements
yoghurt cake with raspberries sprinkled with some white and dark chocolate chips

dessert with nutella cream

I must improve the look of my desserts

Now go to sleep, bb, xoxo

sobota, 13 lipca 2013

Working in a restaurant

I really like my job! Now, when I broke the ice, it's nice to spend time in that kichen with funny cooks preparing food and smelling gorgeous meals. At first I thought it will be difficult and stressful, but when I became more relaxed and got to know these people better everything turned out to be awesome.

It's very interesting to observe specific behaviour, connection and characteristics in that place, for instance the relationship between cooks and waiters. When I had wondered about it (before I started to work there) I'd thought there's a one team working together, just like normal collegues. But it emerged that the cooks don't even spend time with waiters. They are always in seperate rooms.

I noticed many other things, but I won't write about them today,
now picturestime

Every day at work is different, but one is thing constant: I have to do grissini.

In English it is called aubergine. Weird.

Would you guess if I asked you what it is??? Well, it's fried icecream with orange. Amazing!

I'm sad when I think about end of July... : ( this job is for one month only. I'll miss that.

środa, 19 czerwca 2013


I love cooking and baking. I could spend every day preparing food. What I want to show you today is special dessert. Actually there are two versions of that.

First... black&white pudding (chocolate&vanilla) with banana. Very sweet and tasty. But I must improve the look of this dessert. Maybe the reason was that the cream was too dense. It should had been made by using vanilla pod but I hadn't had it (so I'd used some vanilla Danio). 

The photo isn't clear... sorry for that, I can't take good photos. 

This is the other version with strawberries, vanilla pudding and cookies. It wasn't as heavy as the first one. And the photo looks much better, because my mom took it. 

So, which one would you prefer? 

Oh, there's something else what I'd like to show you. Yesterday I made buns with blueberries. I modified the recipe (http://kotlet.tv/jagodzianki), because actually I used huckleberries/American blueberries (yes, I've just used translator XD). I couldn't get blueberries. And I added some vanilla pudding to make the buns more interesting. This is the result:

Extra delicious! You should try and bake some of them for you.

poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2013


So, how was my weekend? I would say: busy. And interesting as well.
Saturday was my first day at work. First and crucial. I was in an unusual place which was an Italian restaurant. Of course I don't know hardly anything about Italian cooking but I love pizza, spagetti, lasagne, bruschetta and others.(who doesn't?) As a matter of fact I also like preparing food, so that kind of job would be just perfect of me. What I had to do was dicing, chopping and forming. It doesn't sound hard, does it?

In practice it isn't easy at all. I realised that I can't even chop anions correctly. I ended up with my fingers hurted and my nails destroyed.

Nevertheless, after all, despite being tired, I liked that job. I really wanted to continue it in July. I also hoped that I wasn't more handicapping than helping.

and my Sunday was like that

So what now? Will I get this job?
I found out that the answer is.... YES !
I'm starting in two weeks time : )
wish me luck!

niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013


Yes, I'm going to write in English again.
What's new? Well, this week was really hard, but since Friday I've been totally free !!!! yeeeeeeah
No more exams, no more studying at night. Just half month with relax.
Sooooo now I can focus on other things, which are much more interesting. I cook hardly everyday. Sometimes it's dinner but most of all I make cakes or cookies. I really love it.
Next time I'll write something more about it (and of course I'll add pics).
Now I'm gonna show you some photos of today. I'm so proud of me, because I lost weight :)) now I'm ready for holiday! yeaaah

And that's it.
Now I must dash. I'm having a school trip tomorrow :> will be great!

sobota, 11 maja 2013

Lago di Garda

Włochy są wspaniałe, chciałabym tam mieszkać. Ciepło, urokliwie, góry, morze, ludzie tacy jakby bezproblemowi. Najlepiej <3